A Hoghead’s Random Railroad Reminiscences
A Hoghead's Random Railroad Reminiscences
George E. Leu
Vantage Press, Inc.
New York, NY
140 pages
ISBN 0-533-11331-8
A Hoghead’s Random Railroad Reminiscences by former Cascade Division engineer George E. Leu, takes you for a ride into the past, when the Great Northern Railway had hogheads on runs such as the Annie Job. They also ran double- and triple-cab Westinghouse and General Electric engines in the mountain area. While working steam, electric, or diesel locomotives, they had to keep their tails out of the gate. Sound confusing? Well, it’s not. This fascinating and informative journey into the wide world of railroads also comes equipped with a glossary of railroad jargon. Filled with colorful tales of old-timers’ pleasures and hardships during one of the most exciting times in railroad history, this story is an interesting read for both laymen and railroad aficionados alike.
About The Author: In 1936, at age seventeen, GEORGE E. LEU moved to the little railroad and sawmill town of Skykomish, Washington. Permanent jobs remained elusive during those post-Depression years, until the author learned that senior main line railroaders at Skykomish worked twelve months a year. This fact prompted an application letter, and the reply came several months later. Mr. Leu spent the next forty years working as a Great Northern/Burlington Northern engineman, collecting many fond memories.