I am pleased to announce that we now have our new store on line. I hope you find it easy to use and encourage you to check in regularly.

We have added several new items with the transition to the new store. First is a 50 ton hopper car with front facing goat new in 1931 by Accurail. This compliments the other Accurail cars we have offered for some months. We have also added a steel 40 foot flat car in six car numbers from InterMountain.

Finally we have Canton hopper cars in two paint schemes and repaint dates 1943 and 1941. These are an odd lot of Accurail cars custom painted to our specifications. We cleaned Accurail out to do these cars and when ours are gone they will be gone for a long long time.

Unfortunately, we have had a hard time keeping our steam era passenger cars in stock. The vendor had a heart attack early last year, took months to recover, and is now working though a long list of back orders from both GNRHS and others. If you want one of these cars that is now out of stock, all I can say is watch for them to reappear. I have no idea of what cars we will get nor when. Monthly checks should be sufficient.

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